Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hockey Hat!

There has been growing concern from Olympic organizers that a number of companies are using the Winter Olympic Games as a springboard for promotions without paying to be an official sponsor. One of these companies is Lululemon, which has made waves by producing gear advertising "the cool sporting event taking place in British Columbia between 2009 and 2011." (ingenious if you ask me.)

I joined in by picking up their coolest offering, a mock hockey helmet hat complete with tooth black out. Expect me to now be the craziest supporter as the red, white, and blue try to complete "Do you believe in miracles, again?!"

And as for my moral compass, it doesn't bother me that they're not official. In fact, Consumers really don't care either - they'll buy the best stuff even if it is 'unofficial'... Which should be the real cause of concern for event organizers.

Sweet toque, eh!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Drake St,Vancouver,Canada

1 comment:

George said...

DAMN you look good in it but it was probably made in a Chinese sweatshop by a 7 year old waif . . .