Saturday, April 26, 2008

Images from a Morning Walk

7:04am.  Sunrise over the rocks of Aci Trezza.

In nature photography, patience & immersion are the names of the game.  In order to get the best, most authentic shot of an animal, a photographer must often spend hours or even days crouched in an environment - until slowly the animals become accustomed to him, and he becomes invisible, blending into the background.  At this moment, the photographer can finally capture the real essence of a place or creature.  

One of my most enjoyable new hobbies while living in Italy is to do a similar thing, but with an urban environment... to 'harmlessly' immerse myself in my surroundings, letting the world go by until I am left as a mere 'spectator' with flip-flops and my camera.  

When this happens, I can truly capture the close-ups, panoramas, and characters that define a place... and share with all of you the way that I see the world - from a Cinematic perspective.

7:26am.  The depth of character on this man's face is incredible.  What is he thinking?

The following pictures are from my walk this morning through our local fishing village of Aci Trezza on a quiet Saturday morning, as the sun began to creep from behind the morning haze and the city itself slowly woke up and took a metaphorical yawn.  While my pictures and words don't quite do it justice, please imagine the faint smell of saltwater in the air, church bells chiming the hour, fisherman casually cleaning their boats, and the first joggers of the day tracing the coastal promenade in their white running Nikes.  This is the real Italy that few get to see.  

7:34am.  The first chores of the day.

7:48am.  A rusty Vespa sleeps against a wall.

8:02am.  In a quiet alley, a brass faucet provides fresh water to the locals.

8:13am.  A lone boat already hard at work in the morning haze.

~ J. Twice

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