Monday, April 21, 2008

The Mighty Pen of Responsibilty

Today is officially the first entry in my personal daily journal using my brand new pen, the "UNIBALL EYE MICRO .2 MM" edition.  Now, I know this seems pretty trivial to most... using a new pen is big news to this guy?  However, to me the significance is quite substantial, monumental even.  Let me explain...

You see, I have a slight 'habit' of losing things.  Perhaps some of you do, too.  Although not small things... BIG things.  And not just a few... LOTS - iPods, Digital Cameras, Cell Phones, Wallets (my specialty), and keys.  So on this trip, I made it a point to find one item - in my case, a pen - to prove that I can be responsible.  It can best be summed up in the words of Walter from The Big Lebowski, "It's about drawing a line in the sand, dude... upon this line, YOU DO NOT CROSS!"

"I bought a seven dollar pen... because I was sick of not caring when I lost it!" - Mitch Hedberg

Therefore, when I left over 80 days ago on this journey, I picked out the best two black pens I could find in our house and brought them with me as my official "journal" pens.  I was SO careful with them, making sure I put them at the exact same every day (technique #3 in 'Christie Chorley's Strategies for her Husband's Success), treating them like GOLD.  Proudly, on February 25th and April 19th respectively, MY PENS RAN OUT OF INK!

In my 28 years on Planet Earth, I have never had a pen run out of ink before!  I am now officially on my way to being (dare I say) a responsible adult!  Now for the mini-van, 2.5 children and a dog...

Happily posing with Black Beauty, my new pen.

Deep down, I was proud of my achievement, and therefore went ahead to splurge for a $3 new pen, congratulatory gelato, and glowing blog post.  However, I must say that having a pen run out so soon has also made me feel a little paranoid towards pen companies... Do they only fill them part way because they know people will lose them?  I wonder...  This is all uncharted waters for me, in the Sea of Responsibility.   

~ J. Twice

1 comment:

The Lindermans said...

Bro, I'm proud of you. You made it to that first tree (Grandpa's analogy). I recommend you try a "Dr. Grip" pen...they are like $8-$9 a pop, but man are they worth it. The one I got even comes with refill ink!! They are endorsed by the American Arthritis joke. I love pens, can you tell? Miss you!! Tell Christie I LOVE that gold jacket she was wearing at your latest dinner post. :)