Friday, September 25, 2009

The 176th Oktoberfest

Welcome to Oktoberfest, the world's largest Festival.

The word OKTOBERFEST means a lot of things to a lot of people... and has grown to be everything from a world-wide celebration, an excuse to drink excessive amounts of beer, or just a clever marketing gimic. I even got an email the other day from a restaurant in Puyallup, Washington offering a special Oktoberfest beer.  But WHAT IS Oktoberfest?  Whatever the interpretation, we decided to experience the REAL THING ourselves by making a trip up to Munich to attend the 176th installment of Oktoberfest.

The roots.

But before we get carried away in a liter-sized frenzy, let's stop for a minute to explain a little of the history.  It all began with a wedding. Back in 1810, the crown Prince Ludwig - later to become King Ludwig I, was set to married to Princess Therese of Saxony-Hildburghausen on October 12th.  But this was a royal wedding, and the citizens of Munich were invited to attend the festivities held on the fields in front of the city gate.  But this wasn't just a one day affair, with horse races marking the close of an event that would represent all of Bavaria.

The next year, in 1811, the event was held again but this time with the first Agricultural Show.  You can guess what the featured crops were. The horse race again was the centerpiece, but the beer was important too.  The tradition was born, and it slowly began to grow.  In 1818 the first carousal and swings were set up.  The beer stands began increasing exponentially, but it took until 1896 for the first tents and halls set up, backed by local breweries.  It has now been celebrated 176 times, only breaking for war and cholera... which in my opinion are two good reasons to sober up!  

Catching the 7:35am train to Munich...

... Rush Bowers, assistant coach with the Raiders and avid Oktoberfest advocate, was giddy with excitement.  He attended his first event back in 2001... but has a special reason for coming this year (more on that later!)

The modern Oktoberfest is called by its website as the largest festival in the world, although I'm not sure the person who wrote that has ever been to the Indy 500.  It is also not held entirely in October!

FUN FACT #1: OKTOBERFEST mainly takes place in SEPTEMBER.  This year it runs from September 19th to October 4th.

There are now a large program of official events, and an international flair that is fitting in the 21st century.  But who am I kidding, its really about the BEER.

The group happily takes their place at 10am (to beat the crowds of course.)  Clockwise from left Nick Johansen, Hannah, Santos, Carlos, Rush, and Christie.  I don't know why only Nick gets a last name on that list but its the way its gonna be!

There are no sizes at Oktoberfest, just THE MASS.  This is a 1 Liter mug of beer, costing around 8.60 euro per drink.  A little more than back in 1810!

The first PROST of the day!  Approximate time: 10:17am.

Our goal was to get there early and experience a few of the different tents.  We began at "Spaten" before heading to the world famous Hofbrauhaus.  It was a hopping good time!

Rush is in the running for "Mr. Oktoberfest."  Pictured here at the Hofbrauhaus tent.

The Tirolean Eagle... iconic symbol!


Oktoberfest attracts the young...

... and the not-so-young.

Around noon, we headed over to the bright green hall called "ARMBRUSTSCHÜTZENZELT." In addition to being the longest freaking word ever, it also has a great literal translation: The Arm Breast Protection Tent.  

The Arm Breast Protection Tent.

Ducking inside the hall, which proudly serves Paulaner, we were taken by the high ceilings and green & white streamers.  However, the decoration was not the reason we had come to this tent.  Rather, it was where Rush's girlfriend Sabine was working!  Yes, she was one of the beer girls of Oktoberfest.  Or as Rush so eloquently put it, "At this moment in time, at this one place in the world, she is like the focal point of the entire world!"  (Or something like that... things were not perfectly clear by midday.)

Suddenly, there she was across the room - Rush's girlfriend Sabine! After working smaller events before, this is her first year she has been called up to "THE BIG SHOW." 

Tirol's cutest couple.

It was awesome to see Sabine, and she looked so perfect in her uniform.  (Then again, the Dirndl is quite flattering on women of all descents.)  So perfect, that Christie felt the inspiration to join their ranks.  She disappeared for a little while, until suddenly appearing as a true Bavarian!

But hold on a minute... what do we have here?

Christie arrives in a fabulous authentic DIRNDL!  (Yes, there is no 'e' at the end!)

My wife, the rockstar!

Christie attempting to lift 6 mass - not an easy task!  Some waitresses (yes, waitressES) can do as many as 12! 

Nick and Carlos finally get around to smoking their Eurobowl victory cigars... Cuban of course.

Later we decided to walk around and go on a ride.  I don't think this was our best idea...


This apple would come back to haunt Nick...

Glad we didn't go on that one!

Rush gives a Michiganite (Michigonian?  Michiganer?  What is the preferred nomanclature?) opinion on Oktoberfest.

Later we returned to the tents for the late afternoon.  By this point, the tables were all fall and the oompa bands were rocking.  It was an awesome vibe... and finally I felt myself catching the Oktoberfest spirit.  Unfortunately, we had to leave around 6pm to catch a train back to Innsbruck, but if I have any advice for the future, it would be to make a reservation for a table in one of the big tents for the late afternoon!

The tents come alive in the afternoon.

Final proof: Bin Laden was a SUN DEVIL!  (That is 100% just a joke, but ASU fans know what I mean...)

What could be a better way to finish the day than with a cookie?

All's well that ends with a cookie

You can be sure we will be back to Oktoberfest... but next time with a little more mental preparation!

~ J. Twice

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