Monday, February 23, 2009

The Road to St. Moritz

The road to St. Moritz takes you past breathtaking scenery, like the town of Zuoz, Switzerland.

After spending a relaxing weekend in Innsbruck, we were ready to stretch our wings a little and see more of the surrounding countryside.  On Monday, we selected perhaps the world's most famous (and most glamorous) ski destination, St. Moritz, Switzerland.  Last year we would simply hop in our Nissan Micra and be off - but without a car this year in smaller Innsbruck, we were had to plan ahead.  A train ticket from Innsbruck to St. Moritz, which is a mere 185 kilometers away, would have cost us 58 Euro each - ONE WAY!  Not to mention, the journey would have taken almost 6 hours.  Therefore, we booked a one-day rental car and were off!

Our route from Innsbruck to St. Moritz took us in a southwest direction.

But like the saying goes, life is not always about the destination.  Therefore, we decided that this was a great opportunity to take our time and really dig our teeth into those 'postcard perfect' Swiss villages you tend to see on perfect postcards.  So the following is a little photo-essay of our 2.5 hour journey (we're a little quicker than the train!)

"The goal is not the end of the road, the goal IS the road."  - Frosty Westering

About 40 km west of Innsbruck we crossed a beautiful river with dark clouds.

Cars require Gasoline.  Jason requires... CHOCOLATE!!!  Switzerland offers some of the best, including two of my favorites Toblerone and Lindt!

We crossed some snowy creeks...

... and amazing frozen waterfalls!

Past Austrian Towns...

... and more Austrian Towns (each with signature church & bell tower), until...

We finally reached Switzerland!  (About an hour from Innsbruck)

Swiss towns... pretty similar to Austrian towns.

The mountains were spectacular.

The drive was pretty easy, cruising past small villages that hugged the edges of cliffs and filled up long valleys.  The towns started to blend into each other until we reached the beautiful little town of ZUOZ, about 15 km from St. Moritz.  We turned off the main road and onto its cobblestone streets.  Ski lifts headed directly up the mountain from the back of the town, and the buildings looked like they were covered in frosting!  We zigzagged through one-lane roads, exploring side streets that belong in a fairy tale.  If we have a chance, we are heading back to ZUOZ!!!  (You heard it here first - the town is not really in ANY guidebook!)

A Swiss flag welcomes visitors to Zuoz.

Sweet looking doors...

... and narrow streets.

Christie posing above the town.  All smiles!

Eventually we reached St. Moritz and had an incredible afternoon, but the drive alone was worth taking the trip!  This is what traveling is all about!

~ J. Twice

PS The drive back at night was just as beautiful, as churches and castles lighted our way!  (See below!)

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