Saturday, February 28, 2009

A typical Austrian/German/French/American/Canadian Dinner

Raiders WR Andi Proller showing off the new "bling" - 2008 Eurobowl Champions Ring.

Perhaps the best thing about playing football in Europe is the people you meet.  We have been fortunate enough to have met countless new friends, and it is exciting to start meeting all my new teammates here in Innsbruck.  Everyone has a story, and it seems that the people who dedicate themselves to playing this physical, intense, and completely foreign game bring something special along with them.  Case in point: one of my new teammates, Andi Proller.  (The "o" actually has two little dots over it but can't find that on my American keyboard!)  

On Friday, Andi invited us over to his house for dinner with his girlfriend, and we had an incredible time sharing stories and laughs.

Another new Pink Raider - Christie with Lili.

Andi's girlfriend is Aurelie Poitou, or "Lili."  She is originally from Angers, France, about 300 km southwest of Paris, and speaks German, French, and ever-improving English.  She has a great smile and is lots of fun to be around.  For this special occasion, she treated us to a French specialty - Foie gras.  For those of you (like me) who had never tried this, it a delicacy made from DUCK LIVER.  Yummy!   

What can't this guy do?

Over the course of dinner, we shared many stories, and quickly realized there is a lot more to this 6'5 receiver than meets the eye.  In addition to looking like Jesus and catching touchdowns, Andi was a bobsledder for the Austrian National/Olympic team, is an insane downhill mountain bike racer, and once played in a band!  We will definitely have fun this year playing together.  Oh yeah, and he has skills in the kitchen!   

French wine is tough to beat...

... as is the food in Austria!  A great mix of German, Italian, and French cuisine.

We look forward to many fun times ahead, and meeting many other great people like Andi and Lili here in Innsbruck!

What else would be on the wall - ELEPHANTS!

Lili might have a little Italian in her after all...

~ J. Twice

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