Monday, October 5, 2009

Unicycle Update: New Zealand 2010?

The real uni-bomber, Austrian Georg Dujmovits

Looking back at our experience on "The Camino" it was the people that we met that had the most lasting impact. One of the most unique individuals was Georg Dujmovits, the energetic 23-year old Austrian unicycle expert who completed the full 700+ km on just one wheel.

His exploits have made him a local celebrity in Austria, as evidenced by the following news story (click to make it big) and other links below:

(Click to make big)

Read More: Story #1
Read More: Story #2

Now the big question is, "WHAT'S NEXT?" Well, it seems that Georg (and myself) have a plan -- UNICON XV, the UNICYCLE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS in NEW ZEALAND!

Yes, the 15th installment of the international unicycle world championship, with events ranging from 'Artistic Freestyle' to Track & Field, takes place from December 27, 2009 to January 10, 2010 in Wellington, New Zealand. Georg and I were told about this event one morning on the Camino while sipping a cafe con leche at a small cafe, and whether it was the exhaustion from the trail or the general 'we can do anything' spirit that overtakes anyone walking across Spain, we vowed to make it happen. (Well, rather Georg vowed to make it happen while I volunteered my services as coach, trainer, and positologist).

While doing my background research, I discovered that so far 522 participants have signed up for the event, including 5 Austrians, 29 Italians, 7 Canadians, 43 Americans, and of course, 1 Liechtensteinian! (I will be sure to befriend him at the event.) Germans hold the most entries with 94.

The only problem is finding a sponsor to cover the cost of getting to New Zealand and competing for two weeks - SO PLEASE, HELP US FIND A SPONSOR!!! EMAIL ME TO HELP OUT -- and allow my boy Georg (no reference to the 80's singer intended) to bring home the gold.

Georg celebrating at the finish line with his girlfriend Stef and Christie!

~ J. Twice

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