Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wifey Highlights

In football, highlights are king. It's all about the deep bomb or bone-crunching hit, set to music and accompanied by a witty line from a Sportscenter anchor. But what about said anchors who are delivering such lines? Don't they deserve a highlight reel of their own?

They do, only in "the biz" it is not called a highlight reel... it's a "demo tape" used to showcase his or her skills. My wife has a new one, and in my unbiased opinion, it's really good. So check her out - professionally of course. And then maybe pass this to your friend, the one who works for a great TV station with a job opening, who will in turn give us a call. I'm just saying... enjoy!

~ J. Twice

1 comment:

claud said...

that IS VERY good indeed!!!