Friday, January 18, 2008

Exotic... Edmonton?

My good friend Jake Riddell has a philosophy, "BE A TOURIST WHERE YOU LIVE."  This can mean a number of different things, but essentially it points to that fact that you don't need to go somewhere exotic to enjoy life - that being a 'tourist' is more of a lifestyle than a temporary description of a traveler... and that there are many wonderful & unique experiences in our own backyard that we often take for granted.  How many people live in Seattle and never frequent the Pike Place Market, the Space Needle, or the waterfront - yet that's the first place that tourists go when they come to town?

KEY POINT: Be a TOURIST where you live!

As you all know, I'm headed to Italy in just over a week - and will be posting all sorts of unique experiences from quaint little streets and cafe's... telling stories of interesting people I've met and the life-lessons I've learned along the way.  However, I felt it only appropriate to start with a place that many North Americans have NEVER set foot: the most northern big city in the world that doesn't lie on a major body of water.  A city that is known as much for Wayne Gretzky as it is for cold weather and Tim Horton's.  I'm talking a little place called... Edmonton.  With that in mind, here's a little shot of what exotic "Edmonton" has to offer the more adventurous traveler.  (Now I know what you are thinking... you typically don't hear people mention Edmonton in the same breath as Bora Bora and Tahiti... but you might be surprised!  And if you get bored in Edmonton, it does have the biggest mall in the world...)

I began my adventure winding through the narrow snow covered streets of downtown.  At -22 degrees Celsius this morning, it definitely takes your breath away!  However, despite this cold temperature, blue skies are frequently seen, and the fresh dusting of snow makes it feel like Christmas morning... for 5 months straight.  (Call it Christmas: Ground-Hog Day Version.)  

I soon find myself at a really cool quaint cafe.  I decide to head inside... only to find it busy with all sorts of locals getting their morning cup o' jo.  I ask the Barista (coffee maker) about this place and she says it is called Starbucks.  Apparently, they are getting quite popular in North America.  I didn't quite know what to order, so I tried the Grande Extra Hot Non-Fat Hazelnut Mocha with Whip.  To all my North American friends -- if you ever come across one of these cafe's (not sure where they would be located) you should definitely try it.  I really hope they have a cafe like this in Italy.

Feeling energized after grabbing my Starbucks (and epitomizing a local euphemism called "yuppie") I continue on to grab a glimpse of the skyline.  To be a tourist where you live, you have to work around your normal "schedule" -- and at 8:15am the city is already bustling with people.  Having only 45 minutes before I need to be at work (I start work at 9) I head to see two last sights.  Similar to London, Edmonton houses the provincial government --  "The 'Ledge" as the locals call it.  It actually looks very similar to the Washington State Capital of Olympia. 

I finish my trip by shooting down to the River Valley (The North Saskatchewan river runs through the heart of the city) for one last glimpse of the Edmonton Skyline.  A beacon of industry standing high above the great Alberta plains, the Edmonton skyline stretches as far as the eye can see.  It is at this moment that my heart is filled with pride for my adopted city, and I will remember it fondly when I am away!

Wow... all of that before 9am... hopefully I can have similar experiences like this when I cross the pond!  Stay Tuned!!!

~ J. Twice  


Anonymous said...

How about the underground tunnels that allow you to avoid the cold streets of downtown? And how about how perfect the tunnels are for riding around on electric scooters just won from the carnival game up the street? And how about having access to the mall through said tunnels and riding those scooters like you read about?
How about it? Wait, I mean, How "aboot" it!

Looking forward to your silly sentences from Italia!

George said...

Don't even think of ordering a yuppie coffee here in Catania! It's espresso or cappucchino PERIOD!!!!