Friday, January 18, 2008

JJ's Book Club #1

I like to pride myself on learning new things.  I don't know if I'm particularly fond of the term "life-long learner" -- or using "extra" "quotation" "marks" in "general" -- but I definitely am always looking for something new and exciting -- and than passing it on to friends.

For those of you who know me well -- you know of my desire to one day write/produce major motion pictures, and I'm always drawn to stories of people doing interesting and extraordinary things, such as traveling to Europe to play football.  (just kidding).

That being said, I am going to make it a point throughout this adventure to share some books, films, and tv shows that I feel are remarkable -- that are a PURPLE COW.  (This is a term coined by author/blogger Seth Gobin in his book by the same name, in which he talks about the nature of remarkable things in business.)  According to Seth:

KEY POINT: Everyone has seen a million BROWN COWS.  But I bet if you saw a PURPLE COW you'd remember it!  To stand out in this world, you must be a PURPLE COW -- you must be remarkable!

Therefore, think of me as your virtual Steve Irwin, pointing out cool stuff as if to say Croikie!  We gotta strange one 'ere!  So without further ado, here's the debut members of JJ's Book Club:

JJ Book Reference #1:  ONE RED PAPERCLIP By Kyle MacDonald

Dude.  That is what I said about a hundred times while reading this book (all in one sitting).  One Red Paperclip tells the story of a guy who decided to start trading, beginning with a single red paperclip, for something that was bigger and better.  He began by trading the paperclip for a pen, then the pen for a stove, and so on... until 14 trades later, he had a house.  Not only that, but the adventure had led him to become a new person and to seek out adventure in life.  This book is extremely well written and has many "laugh out loud" moments.  In fact, it is about the closest thing to what I aspire my writing to be -- witty, articulate, and inspring.  REQUIRED READING FOR ALL POSITOLOGISTS.

JJ Book Reference #2: YES MAN!  By Danny Wallace

I read YES MAN! about 2 years ago... and after about 3 pages said to myself -- this would make an UNBELIEVABLE MOVIE.  Well -- for the 18th time in my life with a movie idea I was beaten to the punch -- as the major theatrical release starring Jim Carrey comes out in December 2008.  SO... why don't you go pick up a copy of the book right now, read it quickly... and then when the buzz starts to build in about 9 months you can casually turn to your friend and say, "man, I read that a while ago..."

The story of Yes Man! is remarkably similar to One Red Paperclip -- where the book's hero challenges himself to say YES to every question he is asked for an entire year.  (Again, not because he's crazy but because he is tired of living just an 'average' existance.)  While this does get him in trouble in some places (he does at one point have to make an exception to questions asked via spam email after receiving his 5th penile enlargement device)... it does lead him on an exceptional set of adventures that again leaves him a much better man than when he began.

In conclusion, I think the reason I am recommending these two books is so that you get a better understanding of who I am -- just like these guys -- I feel that I'm about to do some pretty cool stuff, simply because I'm opening myself up to the possibilities of what is "out there."  And if I can inspire any of you to do the same in your life, than it's all been worth it for me!

~ J. Twice

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