I am also really enjoying reading the blog of our Defensive Coordinator - George Contreras - for his experiences in Italy. (Click HERE to read) George is going to be my 'roommate' over in Catania, and I look forward to many fun experiences with him there.
Perhaps the toughest thing right now is tying up all my loose ends -- have you ever had to make sure that your life could run completely on "auto-pilot" for a 6 month period? Not as easy as eating Gelato I assume.
One funny note is that over the weekend, the "Elephants" held a fundraiser in Catania for the team. It was held at a very high-end store, and there were cool banners of the American players as well as a very nice program about our team. The funny thing for me was reading my bio - as it said I come from the town of "PUJALLUPP" Washington. Now I know my hometown gets 'butchered' anytime someone tries to say it. (For those of you trying mentally right now, PUYALLUP is said with three simple syllables: "PEW" - "ALL" - "UP".) And it may not be as easy to say as places like Kalamazoo or Yreka, or as trivial as Between, GA or Truth or Consequences, New Mexico... but I must say that spelling Puyallup with a J and an extra P would bump its Scrabble score from 152 to 218!
~ J. Twice
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